
What does religion have to do with it?

So CBS is already mentioning that the brothers are more than likely Muslim.  Why is this even an issue?  I rarely hear broadcasters mention the religion of other known terrorists or fringe groups. Did Timothy McVeigh get pegged a Christian? Did Christianity have anything to do with him setting off explosives in front of the ATF bldg and killing all those children in Oklahoma? Eric Rudolph was a member of the Christian extremist group Army of God. Did broadcasters focus on that? What about the rest of the men in America that flip out and kill innocent people in their path? Does the Westboro Baptist Church spew hate because of Christianity? The focus is not on the fact that WBC is a Christian church. Islam has as much to do with terrorrism as Christianity does with mass shootings.
Any group can interpret a holy book to their advantage and use it to justify terror, murder and abuse. That is how bigots, that just happen to be Christian, justify their intolerance for homosexuals. It is how terrorists, that happen to be Muslim,  justify the maiming and murder of innocent people.
America refers to domestic religious extremist groups as cults yet they undergo brain washing of people and their charismatic leaders making promises of grandeur in the  after life. Terrorism is conducted or carried out by mostly men that feel disenfranchised by people, women or their government. They may have a vendetta of some type.