
The Daily Bandha: Stabilizing Your Shoulders In Downward Dog

The Daily Bandha: Stabilizing Your Shoulders In Downward Dog

Here’s the cue…

Warm up first a bit. Then, take Downward Dog pose. I use three steps for the shoulders. Go slowly and use gentle engagements.

  1. Contract the triceps to straighten your elbows. Then, press the mound at the base of your index fingers into your mat to engage the forearm pronator muscles.
  2. Next, fix your palms into the mat and try to drag the hands towards each other. This engages the adductor muscles of the shoulders as well as the biceps.
  3. Finally, gently roll the shoulders outward. This externally rotates the humerus bone and helps to bring the greater tuberosity away from the undersurface of the acromion.
  4. As a final adjustment, I like to link the action of the shoulders to the lower extremities. The cue for this is to engage your lower gluteus max and adductor magnus muscles by drawing in with the upper inner thighs and then attempt to drag your feet away from the hands. Feel how this stabilizes your pose. 


The 6 Phase Meditation Infographic| Mindvalley Academy

Your Daily Peace of Mind – The 6 Phase Meditation

This infographic is based on the core meditation from the Envisioning Method, a daily practice designed by Mindvalley Founder, Vishen Lakhiani. The 6 Phase Meditation is a distillation of hundreds of books on personal growth and is designed to create the most remarkable transformation in your state of being — in the shortest amount of time.



What does religion have to do with it?

So CBS is already mentioning that the brothers are more than likely Muslim.  Why is this even an issue?  I rarely hear broadcasters mention the religion of other known terrorists or fringe groups. Did Timothy McVeigh get pegged a Christian? Did Christianity have anything to do with him setting off explosives in front of the ATF bldg and killing all those children in Oklahoma? Eric Rudolph was a member of the Christian extremist group Army of God. Did broadcasters focus on that? What about the rest of the men in America that flip out and kill innocent people in their path? Does the Westboro Baptist Church spew hate because of Christianity? The focus is not on the fact that WBC is a Christian church. Islam has as much to do with terrorrism as Christianity does with mass shootings.
Any group can interpret a holy book to their advantage and use it to justify terror, murder and abuse. That is how bigots, that just happen to be Christian, justify their intolerance for homosexuals. It is how terrorists, that happen to be Muslim,  justify the maiming and murder of innocent people.
America refers to domestic religious extremist groups as cults yet they undergo brain washing of people and their charismatic leaders making promises of grandeur in the  after life. Terrorism is conducted or carried out by mostly men that feel disenfranchised by people, women or their government. They may have a vendetta of some type.


The myth's about bully breeds and/or Pit Bulls. Know the facts...

Pit Bull Myths and Facts - Inform Your Decision Before Declaring Your Position

Pit bull ownership has been a hotly debated topic in recent years. The pit bull, at one time bred for fighting, has consequently become notorious for vicious attacks, thus encouraging many cities and counties to elect and enforce breed-specific legislation (BSL) that essentially bans pit bulls. In response to these breed-specific laws, pit bull owners are speaking out, claiming biased media attention and irresponsible ownership is to blame for the public's negative view on this beloved family pet.
With one side decrying pit bulls as a dangerous, aggressive dog that has rightly earned its fearful stigma, and the other side claiming unfair bias toward pit bulls they perceive as loving animals, how can you determine your position in the debate?
1800PetMeds has researched the positions, politics and perspectives related to pit bulls and the pit bull debate, to shed some light on this hot-button topic. Some of the pit bull myths and facts in the infographic below may surprise you.

Pit Bull Myths and Facts Infographic
Courtesy of: 1800PetMeds.com


Midwives Say Limiting Their Freedom to Practice Hurts Mothers, Children, Low-Income Families

Midwives Say Limiting Their Freedom to Practice Hurts Mothers, Children, Low-Income Families:

For many years women helped fellow women give birth. In offering support, calming them and in doing so relieve their pain, and delivery the child. I find it fascinating how midwifery has been demonized and outlawed as the power in the delivery room shifted to the men. More currently Certified Professional Midwives (CPM's) can only practice in 27 states and are frowned upon in certain sectors of society. Doulas are seen as unnecessary and there are those that doubt the need for them at all. Hospitals are preferred when giving birth but there is a growing murmur of a trend where women are branching out and discovering that there are other less conventional ways of doing things. Or perhaps the conventional ways of doing things are what we should be aiming for in this case!
Ricki Lake Documentary - The Business of Being Born 

My good friend recently gave a hospital birth and the baby came so fast that the nurse ended up delivering the child before the Doctor arrived. Shockingly the nurse felt the need to apologize to the Doctor when he got to the room. Can you imagine that a Registered Nurse would have fear or reservations about conducting a birth when necessary but this is part of the dilemma that women face today concerning midwifery.

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